An important distinction you must understand is that MOST concussion treatments have a high likelihood of failing simply because they attempt to cover up the symptoms and unfortunately fail to address the root cause.
We are Dr. Brad Ralston, DC, DACNB, FIBBIR and Dr. Lucas Gafken, DC, DACNB and we want to share some extremely important information in regards to concussions and how we are able to offer revolutionary and effective rehabilitation for brain injuries. We take a unique approach that is research-based and at the forefront of health care and have each completed a 450-hour post-doctorate course in post-concussion rehabilitation. While Dr. Lucas Gafken is one of just a dozen national speakers for Dr. Datis Kharrazian and Apex Seminars, he has been able to take the seminar material and transform it into his concussion and brain injury management and therapies that reflect the most up-to-date and cutting-edge approach in the world of functional medicine and functional neurology. Taking a look at the whole person, listening to their symptoms, and addressing the underlying root cause is exactly how we are able to help patients. You may have been told that your concussion symptoms will eventually just go away after you rest long enough and your only option is headache medication and/or antidepressants. Unfortunately for you, the concussion symptoms continue to linger despite giving it plenty of time. The good news for you is that better options exist. Our office has helped hundreds of people with our revolutionary Concussion Healing Program and given them the opportunity to heal their brain naturally and live a life free from headache medications or antidepressants, which merely only mask the symptoms you're experiencing. As chiropractic neurologists and authorities in functional medicine, we've seen the healing potential our patients have when we address the real reasons why their brain health is so poor. The avenue for success in our office is due to our ability to evaluate the whole person. A complex web of interaction occurs between the nervous system, immune system, and endocrine (hormone) system and when these three systems lose appropriate communication you are left with headaches, fatigue, brain fog, depression, light and sounds sensitivity and insomnia that don't fully heal from medications. |
Our Office Specializes in Alternative Brain Rehabilitation and Nervous System Healing Therapies
Think back to the time in your life before the head injury when you didn't have the daily debilitating headaches, brain fog, depression, waking up completely exhausted like you hadn't slept, memory loss and stomach problems that interfere with your life. As time goes on you spend each day hoping that it'll go away with every antidepressant or headache medication that you're prescribed. For some of you, your concussion may have started to limit your activities and social time or stopped you from enjoying vacations altogether. You notice that your symptoms gets worse as more stress enters your life and you ultimately become completely frustrated and begin to believe the prognosis that you've been given; that you just need to learn to live with it forever. The truth is you may be able to overcome these dreadful post-concussion symptoms even if you've had them linger for years. You may be able to overcome them even if you feel like there's no hope for you. This is only possible when multiple root causes are addressed simultaneously. Our Concussion Healing Program methodically addresses all of the underlying factors and helps determine where your brain health is breaking down. 6 Root Causes and Symptoms of Post-Concussion Syndrome 1. Impaired Vestibular System 2. Increased Sympathetic "Fight or Flight" Nervous System 3. Inappropriate Ocular (Eye) Movements 4. Headaches/Migraines 5. Poor sleep/Inability to sleep 6. Cognitive/Behavioral Changes |
1. Impaired Vestibular System
The vestibular system (inside the inner ear) is the sensory system that gives humans the ability to have appropriate balance and know where they are at in relation to their world while they are moving. All too commonly, the vestibular system becomes impaired in those with brain injuries. It then becomes increasing difficult to ride in automobiles, change position quickly, partake in athletic activities, or move normally as they had before the concussion. 2. Increased Sympathetic "Fight or Flight" Nervous System
The sympathetic nervous system's primary responsibility is to stimulate the body's fight-or-flight response. This division of the nervous system lives in the upper brainstem, directly next to the areas that process light and sound from our environment. With a concussion, this upper brainstem will over-fire and lead to light sensitivity (photophobia), sound sensitivity (phonophobia), increased sweating, rapid heart beating and the inability to handle a normal amount of visual input. |
3. Inappropriate Ocular (Eye) Movements
The visual system and movements of the eyes are under neurological control from the brain, brainstem and vestibular system. It is very common that disruption in the neurological control centers for the eyes will become impaired when a brain injury occurs. One will experience a difficult time staring at a stationary target, following a movie target, or having inappropriate visual reflexes. This can lead to brain fatigue with reading or driving. 4. Headaches or Migraines
Headaches, and in some more severe cases migraines, will occur due to a head injury. Trauma to the head can facilitate inflammation in the brain and cause headaches. It would not be uncommon for light and sounds to trigger headaches, and the headaches themselves can further promote more sensitivity to ambient light and sounds. This becomes a vicious cycle and mechanisms promoting the problem need to be addressed. Aura may precede the migraines and for some people this pattern may become chronic. |
5. Poor sleep/Inability to sleep
The inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, wake up unrefreshed even after perceived plenty of sleep and the inability to turn the mind off and relax typically occur with concussions. Brain injuries require your need to sleep for optimal healing, however a shift in cortisol hormone, failure to produce certain neurotransmitters, and overactivity of others will shift the brain into a mode where quality sleep is rarely achieved. Stress due to the head injury aggravate all of these possibilities. 6. Cognitive/Behavioral Changes
Due to a multitude of factors, a shift in neurochemistry can lead to a daily struggle with depression and anxiety following the head trauma. Depression is typically seen as the result of decrease production of serotonin and dopamine, and can be promoted in some of those that don't regain their health in a short period of time. Anxiety is typically seen due to failure of the production of a neurotransmitter called GABA, or can be promoted by too many excitatory neurochemicals in the brain. |
Recovery from your concussion is a very realistic possibility!
The answers to your questions and your steps to healing your brain exist due to our office's unique neurologic and metabolic approach. This isn't like anything you have ever experienced, this simply isn't another pill or magic natural supplement, for life. If you've been told that there's no other option for you, that couldn't be further from the truth. The ability to eliminate your post-concussion syndrome is real because our office locates and addresses the root, underlying cause to your problem. No cover-up pill is needed with approach. Once finding the root cause, our patients become a living example that full recovery is possible! Most people are unaware of all the options available. It is our mission to reach out and help people just like you. You can go to the page Concussion Program to learn the details. The length of time you've had your brain injury doesn't matter. The brain healing rules don't change. By thinking outside the box and applying well-grounded science and research in brain therapy, we've put together our most advanced Concussion and Brain Healing Program ever. Our formula is highly specific: Find the Root Cause and Apply Specific Nutritional and Neurologic Care. Simply put: personalized and patient-specific care gives your brain and body the best possible chance to reverse the damage that may have been occurring for months, years, or decades. So if you are experiencing: - Chronic daily headaches - Depression/Anxiety/Mood swings - Memory loss - Brain fog - Unrefreshed in the morning - Gut bloating/gas/heartburn - Light and sound sensitivity - Vertigo and dizziness Then take action now and download our Special Concussion Solutions Report. |
What exactly are we going to reveal in our Special Concussion Report?
* You will learn a little-known secret: the mechanisms that are causing your continued symptoms and what to do about it. * You will learn the biggest mistake that doctors make in treating concussions. * You will learn exactly why you may continue to suffer with the same symptoms despite "normal" lab results and doing all the things asked of you, and why simply taking medication may not help you. * You will learn why additional lab tests are essential for helping you identify the precise, personal, tailored approach necessary to get you the relief you need. * You will learn how to improve your condition...safely…healthfully! We take you by the hand and lay out for you the specific approach we use here at NeuroHealth Services. We will help you discover how we safely diagnose and relieve the underlying root causes to your condition, the ones that are actually causing your problems and perpetuating needless suffering. This isn't a cover up program, we will find and fix the problem. Do you want to find out what you can do to begin helping yourself in an area where relief seems to be in such short supply? Your first step is this: simply click on the box below to request a no-charge copy of our Free Concussion Special Report. All the best to you and your health! Dr. Brad Ralston, DC, DACNB, FIBBIR Dr. Lucas Gafken, DC, DACNB Ps. If you've already read our Special Concussion Report then don't waste another day wondering if this approach is right for you. Take action now and call (317) 848-6000 to schedule your consultation and screening, like so many others have, and get back on track with real living! |

Have you tried every trick for the horrible life-altering symptoms from a concussion, yet still suffer from the daily headaches, dizziness, nausea, mental fog, light and/or sound sensitivity, insomnia, or poor mental endurance?
Are your symptoms steadily worsening even though you've been cleared by the neurologist? Do your symptoms go untreated because all of your tests have been checked out to be okay? Are you told just to live with it and given headache, pain, anti-depressants and sleep medications?
If so, join the millions of Americans who, despite normal test results, suffer from these debilitating symptoms because they are misdiagnosed or poorly managed.
As you may have already found out, treating concussions without looking for the cause and not paying attention to the trigger is ineffective. It’s ultimately important to find the real culprit of your symptoms, and why it doesn’t show up on your blood test.
What you may not know is that there are a multitude of factors that are responsible for the post-concussion symptoms. The immune system, endocrine system (hormones) and nervous system must all work in balance to create an appropriate brain health, and breakdown anywhere along the way can lead to the horrible symptoms you're still experiencing.
In our office we will show you why taking these medications, and even some supplements, may not help and can even make your symptoms worse. Sign up for the Concussion Free Report to discover the true cause of most cases of persistent symptoms seen in this country, and what to do about it.
Don’t waste another day living in pain because you’re trapped in outdated standards of health care. Our office provides care that is on the forefront of health care and utilizes cutting-edge scientific research for a safe, simple, and truly effective solution to brain injuries.
Have you tried every trick for the horrible life-altering symptoms from a concussion, yet still suffer from the daily headaches, dizziness, nausea, mental fog, light and/or sound sensitivity, insomnia, or poor mental endurance?
Are your symptoms steadily worsening even though you've been cleared by the neurologist? Do your symptoms go untreated because all of your tests have been checked out to be okay? Are you told just to live with it and given headache, pain, anti-depressants and sleep medications?
If so, join the millions of Americans who, despite normal test results, suffer from these debilitating symptoms because they are misdiagnosed or poorly managed.
As you may have already found out, treating concussions without looking for the cause and not paying attention to the trigger is ineffective. It’s ultimately important to find the real culprit of your symptoms, and why it doesn’t show up on your blood test.
What you may not know is that there are a multitude of factors that are responsible for the post-concussion symptoms. The immune system, endocrine system (hormones) and nervous system must all work in balance to create an appropriate brain health, and breakdown anywhere along the way can lead to the horrible symptoms you're still experiencing.
In our office we will show you why taking these medications, and even some supplements, may not help and can even make your symptoms worse. Sign up for the Concussion Free Report to discover the true cause of most cases of persistent symptoms seen in this country, and what to do about it.
Don’t waste another day living in pain because you’re trapped in outdated standards of health care. Our office provides care that is on the forefront of health care and utilizes cutting-edge scientific research for a safe, simple, and truly effective solution to brain injuries.